Do you stop on the junction?
Tittidii, warm up in car… my seat have heat on, music is loud and big smile on my face.
It is that feeling that you can put your own jersey on and to feed on fruits. Or may I just feel like to feed on fruits, it`s maybe look more like ”elefant on class shop”.
What chance inside the helmet when it is your own turn to go ice?
That same feeling what I have long time ago when I played, but this hobbies time – more relax.
Laughing a lot and I am that same funny person that I was when I was younger.
Team is full of great ”old” players (couple of olympic medal player too ) and we don`t have a coach. Everyones ”diesels”start to work them own times and shift goes like old times… there maybe some reason that we don`t play long shifts at time.
Joy of sport, the game is full of that.
It is so great to hear how everyone are. Sometimes I find out that I think that ”yes, this kind of person I was” when all those duty things and hurry not present.
Where we sometimes lost about joy of doing? Do we do things just because we are facing a situation or could we chance step by brands to way that we want. Regardless of whether it is a hobby or something mundane matter.
Is it easier to do that normal daily thing than a stop intersection.
If you stop, you can choose do you want chance something. If you don`t, great. If you do, great. There is no right answer, but after stoping you know. You don`t just walk because everyone else is walking too.
I hope that you can find from your daily life feeling that you find out your own ”funny and great” daily and moments. For me it is much more different things that just game, but about telling that game it is easiest out.
I wish you so great week with little daily funnies things <3